column 7 of the hazardous materials table

Single unit tank car tanks must have a reclosing pressure relief device having a start-to-discharge pressure set at no more than 1551 kPa (225 psig). It may not be used to describe articles, machinery, or apparatus for which a proper shipping name exists in the 172.101 Table. 111 Explosive substances of Division 1.1 Compatibility Group A (1.1A) are forbidden for transportation if dry or not desensitized, unless incorporated in a device. Packagings may include a vent to permit the slow escape of gas (i.e. 102 The ends of the detonating cord must be tied fast so that the explosive cannot escape. With less than 25 percent but not less than 10 percent formaldehyde, must be described as UN3334, Aviation regulated liquid, n.o.s. See 173.306(h) of this subchapter. 380 For transportation by private carrier in a motor carrier only, this material is not subject to the segregation requirements of 177.848(d) of this subchapter under the following conditions: a. 8 A hazardous substance that is not a hazardous waste may be shipped under the shipping description Other regulated substances, liquid or solid, n.o.s., as appropriate. Hazardous materials necessary for the safe and proper operation of the cargo transport unit (e.g., fire extinguishing systems and air conditioning systems), must be properly secured to or installed in the cargo transport unit and are not otherwise subject to this subchapter. B65 Tank cars constructed before March 16, 2009, must have a test pressure of 34.47 Bar (500 psig) or greater and conform to Class 105A. b. 46 This material must be packed in accordance with packing method OP6 (see 173.225 of this subchapter). The guns are packaged in accordance with Packing Method US 1 as specified in 173.62 of this subchapter. B55 Water-tight, sift-proof, closed-top, metal-covered hopper cars, equipped with a venting arrangement (including flame arrestors) approved by the Associate Administrator are also authorized. Transportation by vessel in IBCs is prohibited. TP37 IM portable tanks are only authorized for the shipment of hydrogen peroxide solutions in water containing 72% or less hydrogen peroxide by weight. Each portable tank constructed of metal must be fitted with a pressure-relief device consisting of a reclosing spring loaded type, a frangible disc or a fusible element. The cylinder must be transported in a closed motor vehicle displaying FLAMMABLE GAS placards in accordance with subpart F of part 172 of this subchapter. The mixture for emulsions typically has the following composition: 60-85% ammonium nitrate; 5-30% water; 2-8% fuel; 0.5-4% emulsifier or thickening agent; 0-10% soluble flame suppressants; and trace additives. The requirements of 173.24(g)(1) and 173.27(c) do not apply. Authorized specification bulk outer packagings are UN11G fiberboard intermediate bulk containers (IBC) and UN13H4 woven plastic, coated and with liner flexible intermediate bulk containers (FIBCs) meeting the Packing Group II performance level and lined with a plastic liner of at least 6 mil thickness. If appropriate, a package containing this material must conform to the additional labeling requirements of 172.402 of this subchapter. ; and. Data collection and handling. 372 This entry applies to asymmetric capacitors with an energy storage capacity greater than 0.3 Wh. shipping name in Column (1) of the 172.101 Table, it means that the mate-rial is known to pose a risk to humans. c. Primary receptacles may also be further packed in specification bulk outer packagings. Have accident damage protection which conforms with 178.345-8 of this subchapter; c. Have a MAWP or design pressure of at least 87 psig: and. (2) A codes. c. Each glass inner packaging is protected by a means of preventing puncture of the plastic bag (e.g., sleeves or cushioning) in the event of damage to the packaging (e.g., by crushing). Size of marking on bulk package must conform to 172.302(b) of this subchapter. B134 For Large Packagings offered for transport by vessel, flexible or fibre inner packagings shall be sift-proof and water-resistant or shall be fitted with a sift-proof and water-resistant liner. in such a manner as to prevent short circuits, accidental operation, and significant movement relative to the cargo transport unit under the shocks, loadings, and vibrations normally incident to transport. B84 Packagings must be protected with non-metallic linings impervious to the lading or have a suitable corrosion allowance for sulfuric acid or spent sulfuric acid in concentration up to 65.25 percent. 441 For marine pollutants transported under UN3077, Environmentally hazardous substance, solid, n.o.s. or UN3082, Environmentally hazardous substance, liquid, n.o.s. and for purposes of shipping paper and package marking requirements, the technical name used in association with the basic description may be a proper shipping name listed in the 172.101 Hazardous Material Table; provided that the name chosen is not also an entry that includes n.o.s. as a part of the name or one that has a G in column (1) of the table. B120 The use of flexible bulk containers conforming to the requirements in subpart R and subpart S of part 178 of this subchapter is permitted. Pressure relief devices shall be designed to prevent the entry of foreign matter, the leakage of liquid and the development of any dangerous excess pressure. They will appear as a list of codes that are defined in 172.102 of the Code of Federal Regulations. The tank car specification may be marked to indicate a test pressure of 13.79 Bar (200 psig). 368 In the case of non-fissile or fissile-excepted uranium hexafluoride, the material must be classified under UN3507 or UN2978. Only Specifications MC 304, MC 307 or DOT 407 cargo tank motor vehicles are authorized for transportation by vessel. When a placard is displayed, the placard must be the placard shown in 172.560. When a specific portable tank instruction is specified by a T Code in Column (7) of the 172.101 Table for a specific hazardous material, a specification portable tank conforming to an alternative tank instruction may be used if: (A) The alternative portable tank has a higher or equivalent test pressure (for example, 4 bar when 2.65 bar is specified); (B) The alternative portable tank has greater or equivalent wall thickness (for example, 10 mm when 6 mm is specified); (C) The alternative portable tank has a pressure relief device as specified in the T Code. (eg: Stacking is permitted two or more levels high to achieve maximum allowable utilization of the designated vehicle, rail car weight, or intermodal freight container weight or vessel hold volume. The table follows: [Portable tank codes T1-T22 apply to liquid and solid hazardous materials of Classes 3 through 9 which are transported in portable tanks.]. g. The test results shall be documented, shall be traceable, and shall be made available to a representative of the Department upon request. The unintended errors are summarized below. 113 The sample must be given a tentative approval by an agency or laboratory in accordance with 173.56 of this subchapter. When the word Normal is indicated, 178.275(g)(3) of this subchapter does not apply. or existing codification. 150 This description may only be used for ammonium nitrate-based fertilizers. Column 7: Special provisions. For portable tanks used for the transport of refrigerated liquefied helium and refrigerated liquefied atmospheric gas (except oxygen), the maximum rate at which the tank is filled must not exceed the liquid flow capacity of the pressure relief device rated at 130 percent of the portable tank's design pressure. A200 These articles must be transported as cargo and may not be carried aboard an aircraft by passengers or crewmembers in carry-on baggage, checked baggage, or on their person unless specifically authorized in 175.10. TABLE 2 lists . (6) The rate of oxygen release from the outer packaging does not exceed 15 mL per hour. This web site is designed for the current versions of These provisions apply only to transportation by rail. N92 Notwithstanding the provisions of 173.24(g) of this subchapter, packagings shall be designed and constructed to permit the release of gas or vapor to prevent a build-up of pressure that could rupture the packagings in the event of loss of stabilization. 360 Vehicles powered only by lithium batteries must be described using UN3171, Battery-powered vehicle. Lithium batteries installed in a cargo transport unit, designed only to provide power external to the transport unit, must be described using UN3536, Lithium batteries installed in a cargo transport unit., 361 Capacitors with an energy storage capacity of 0.3 Wh or less are not subject to the requirements of this subchapter. W31 Non-bulk packagings must be hermetically sealed. metal other than steel or aluminum (50N). When a special provision specifies packaging or packaging requirements - IBCs are authorized subject to the conditions and limitations of this section provided the IBC type is authorized according to the IBC packaging code specified for the specific hazardous material in Column (7) of the 172.101 Table of this subchapter and the IBC conforms to the requirements in subpart O of part 178 of this subchapter at the . The requirements of 172.203(m) and 172.505 of this subchapter do not apply. Specifically, you seek clarification on the implementation of special provision IP15which is listed in Column 7 of the 172.101 Hazardous Materials Table (HMT)as it applies when this material is packaged in a composite intermediate bulk container (IBC) with a rigid inner receptacle. Column 1 uses six symbols to identify hazardous materials with special shipping conditions such as restrictions for air, domestic, international, or water vessel transport. The letter Z shown in the marking code for composite IBCs must be replaced with a capital code letter designation found in 178.702(a)(2) of this subchapter to specify the material used for the other packaging. Lighter refills offered for transportation under this entry may not exceed 4 fluid ounces capacity (7.22 cubic inches) or contain more than 65 grams of fuel. When column 7 of the 172.101 table refers to a special provision for a hazardous material, the meaning and requirements of that provision are as set forth in this section. (c) Tables of special provisions. A13 Bulk packagings are not authorized for transportation by aircraft. Nickel-metal hydride batteries subject to this special provision are subject only to the following requirements: (1) The batteries must be prepared and packaged for transport in a manner to prevent a dangerous evolution of heat, short circuits, and damage to terminals; and are subject to the incident reporting in accordance with 171.16 of this subchapter if a fire, violent rupture, explosion or dangerous evolution of heat (i.e., an amount of heat sufficient to be dangerous to packaging or personal safety to include charring of packaging, melting of packaging, scorching of packaging, or other evidence) occurs as a direct result of a nickel metal hydride battery; and (2) when loaded in a cargo transport unit in a total quantity of 100 kg gross mass or more, the shipping paper requirements of Subpart C of this part, the manifest requirements of 176.30 of this subchapter, and the vessel stowage requirements assigned to this entry in Column (10) of the 172.101 Hazardous Materials Table. 62 Oxygen generators (see 171.8 of this subchapter) are not authorized for transportation under this entry. TP45 Each portable tank must be made of stainless steel, except that steel other than stainless steel may be used in accordance with the provisions of 173.24b(b) of this subchapter. B59 Water-tight, sift-proof, closed-top, metal-covered hopper cars are also authorized provided that the lading is covered with a nitrogen blanket. B132 Except for transportation by aircraft, UN2813, Water reactive solid, n.o.s. This particularly applies to corrosivity, permeability, softening, premature aging and embrittlement. In addition, a container exceeding 4 fluid ounces volumetric capacity (7.22 cubic inches) or containing more than 65 grams of fuel may not be connected or manifolded to a lighter or similar device and must also be described and packaged according to the fuel contained therein. package). This training must be documented in training records required by 172.704(d). b. air bag inflators, air bag modules, seat-belt pretensioners, and pyromechanical devices containing Class 1 (explosive) materials or materials of other hazard classes. Shipment of packages under this special provision must be made by private or contract motor carrier. Table I - Maximum Ambient Temperature - Gasoline. This entry also applies to articles not conforming to the requirements of 173.302, 173.304, or 173.306 of this subchapter, containing a small pressure receptacle with a release device. (5) Each receptacle shall be able to withstand a pressure of 20 bar (2000 kPa) without leakage when the pressure relief device is deactivated. A bulk packaging containing sulfur is not subject to the placarding requirements of subpart F of this part, if it is marked with the appropriate identification number as required by subpart D of this part.

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column 7 of the hazardous materials table