northwest middle school dress code

We encourage you to let us know how to better serve your children. If a student fails the screener, the parent or legal guardian will be notified of the results of the screener. All students and parents/guardians requesting use of school-owned lockers do hereby give this consent to school district administration to randomly examine the contents of any locker applied for or assigned to any student for purposes of the safety and health of all students at any time. 300 Highway 469 N The principal or designee has the authority to determine the absence type based on the sufficiency and validity of information received. Rankin County School District will cooperate with law enforcement, but the test results will not be released to law enforcement agencies without a court order or subpoena. Stopping at their locker between classes is a distraction and causes tardies to occur. The district is committed to providing equal access and equal opportunity in its programs, services and employment including its policies, complaint processes, program accessibility, district facility use, accommodations and other Equal Employment Opportunity matters. Any damage must be reported to school authorities immediately. Users will immediately report to school district authorities any attempt by other network users to engage in inappropriate conversations or personal contact. The Board recognizes that the possession of handguns, firearms or other dangerous instruments or weapons on school premises or at school functions by persons other than duly authorized law enforcement officials creates an unreasonable and unwarranted potential risk of injury or death to District employees, students, visitors and guests and further creates an unreasonable and unwarranted potential risk of damage to properties of District employees, students, visitors and guest. If your child wakes up with one or both eyes stuck together with drainage or crust, if the eye(s) become red or swollen, if they are painful and/or itchy, then your child should remain home and be evaluated by a physician as soon as possible. Must pass 70% of the district objectives in language arts and math and exhibit an adequate level of reading proficiency as measured on a standardized instrument. If the clothing, hair, cosmetics, jewelry, or general appearance of a student constitutes a health threat or possible distraction to the educational process, the teacher may counsel with the student about the attire or grooming. Students will not be permitted to change schedules without the approval of the principal and parents. Implementation and/or application of this policy does not prohibit the application of any other disciplinary policies of the Rankin County School District relative to drug or alcohol violations by students and/or staff. Student will be tested on the last day. Electronic devices that ring, vibrate, or disrupt the educational process in any way, will be confiscated by school staff or personnel. 2. Supervising teachers or supervising faculty of school-sponsored clubs shall maintain for inspection signed written parental permission as part of that person's responsibilities of club leadership. Teachers shall adhere to district or school prescribed weighting for competency areas. Due Process (JCAA) Summer School/Extended Year regulations of the Commission on School Accreditation are to be followed by all schools providing summer school instruction and are as follows: 1. If the student tests positive at any time during the 28-day removal period, the student shall be recommended for immediate placement in the Alternative School for two nine-weeks and will be removed from extracurricular activities for a calendar year. Solamente los telfonos celulares deberan estar en los armarios. Once the administrator finds reasonable suspicion, the administrator shall contact the parents/guardians. A student or parent/guardian may request a retest, but the results will only be considered if scientifically meaningful, timely performed and in compliance with the Medical Review Officers guidelines. In accordance with Section 3116 of Title III of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, the Rankin County School District will provide educational services to students who are English learners and/or immigrant children and youth. 37-7-335, Legal Reference: MS Code 37-7-335; 37-7-301(ff), Emergency Closings (EBBD) Alert a teacher, administrator, or other staff member if they see threatening, inappropriate, or harmful content (images, messages, posts) online. 3. Parents will be notified of the nature of any complaint involving their student. Principal:Keith Reed Gloves shall be worn when it is reasonably anticipated that the employee may have hand contact with blood, mucous membranes, non-in-tact skin, and other potentially infectious materials. There are 2 accounts that funds can be added to: Meal Account: Strictly for reimbursable meals, General Account: For extra sale items and can be used for meals. It is specifically directed that the ban on the use of tobacco products be in effect twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, and will apply to anyone present on District property without exception. These requirements as stipulated by the Mississippi Department of Health are to be recorded in the permanent record. Legal Reference: MS Code 37-15-35; 1972 Educational Amendments, Title IX; 1964 Civil Rights Act, Title VI; 1973 Rehabilitation Act, Section 503 & 504; 45 CFR Part 84 and Part 86; Brown vs. Board of Education, 347 U.S. 483 (1954); MS Public School Accountability Standards. The District Grade Placement Committee will consider all data and notify the school of its recommendations. THE PROCEDURE FOR LOCKER/SCHOOL PROPERTY SEARCHES IS AS FOLLOWS: (a) Accordingly, students and parents/guardians are hereby notified that the principal or designee shall maintain a list of all locker assignments and retain either a master key or combinations to all lockers before issuing a copy key or lock combination to the student. Each time voluntary student tests positive, the student is to receive counseling sessions. If users see a message, comment, image, or anything else online that makes them concerned for their personal safety or the safety of someone else, they should immediately bring it to the attention of an adult (teacher or administrator if at school, parent if using the device at home). This information shall also be disseminated in writing and by other means designed to raise awareness of these rights and responsibilities to staff, homeless families and students, the public, and homeless service providers. Illegal Drugs means any substance that an individual may not sell, possess, use, distribute, or purchase under either federal or Mississippi law. If students are wearing a shirt under their collared shirt, please make an effort for it to be white. El recreo se llevar a cabo afuera hasta cuando est un poco fro. A report to parents is to be issued only to the student whose name appears thereon. Automobile license receipt, bank statement, credit card statement, cellphone bill, state or federal benefit check, or payroll check stub. Hence, teachers shall pursue work not turned in prior to assigning term grades, exacting a reasonable penalty for late work when appropriate. If users believe a computer or laptop they are using might be infected with a virus, they should alert the Technology Department. If your child is sent home with red eye(s) or discharge, your child may return to school 24 hours after treatment is started or when there is no drainage from the eye(s). However, students and staff cannot do it alone, we need and welcome parents positive commitment to their childs education. It is understood that mastery of basic skills facilitates the mastery of higher-order skills in each area of development. Phone:601.845.2862 Homeless students in the district will have access to the education and other services needed to ensure that an opportunity is available to meet the same academic achievement standards to which all students are held. In order to be eligible for credit recovery, a student must have failed an RCSD course or a statewide high school end-of-course assessment. These items may not be purchased from the meal account. Therefore, this policy governs only the use and possession of performance-enhancing and illegal drugs by students participating in the Rankin County School Districts Voluntary Student Random Drug Testing Program. This policy supplements and complements all other laws, policies, rules, and regulations of the state or District regarding possession or use of illegal drugs, including, but not limited to, all policies, rules, and laws concerning reasonable suspicion of the use or possession of such illegal drugs. Further, a parent, guardian, or custodian can be required to attend a discipline conference regarding these acts when properly notified by an appropriate school official. The student will be immediately removed from school for a drug/alcohol test to be conducted within 5 hours if the Rankin County School District decides to require submission to such test. If there be probable cause to believe that a student is guilty of off campus conduct involving a violation of a criminal offense where the penalty by statute provides for any amount of incarceration, the principal or Superintendent or designee may expel or suspend the student immediately. Such appeal shall be filed in the office of the superintendent within ten (10) working days after receipt of the decision of the superintendent. No matter how much our enrollment grows, our 30 schools . Recess will take place outside even when it is cold out. Some crowdfunding sites are tax deductible and some are not. Each user acknowledges that the information available from other websites may not be accurate. Keep the device in the district-issued or approved sleeve and case. Click here to view immigration frequently asked questions, Resolution for the Protection of Children. 2. Possession of any controlled substance in violation of the Uniform Controlled Substances Law; 2. Regular safety drills should be planned and executed in accordance with applicable emergency management guidelines and specific school procedures. Further, the privilege of participating in physical education, athletic programs, competitive sports and recess is not conditional on the students medical status relative to the infectious disease. Scabies is an infestation of the skin by the human itch mite. 4. The district shall make an initial determination of whether a student diagnosed with dyslexia meets the eligibility criteria under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) to have an Individualized Education Program developed and to receive services. Valid Mississippi Drivers License or State Issued Photo Identificationand. Students who bring their lunch are able to purchase milk, water or ice cream. In no case shall the inability to pay the assessment of fees authorized under the provisions of this Fee Policy result in a pupil being denied or deprived of any academic awards or standards, any class selection, grade, diploma, transcript or the right to participate in any activity related to educational advancement. (See Section VI. The Rankin County School District will provide the following necessary coordination, technical assistance, and other support to assist Title I, Part A schools in planning and implementing effective parental engagement activities to improve student academic achievement and school performance: Providing timely support, information, and services to staff in participating Title I programs. Students shall not be retained for extracurricular purposes. They include waiving certain requirements such as proof of residency when students are enrolling and allowing categorical eligibility for certain services such as free school meals. To offer students school activities free of the effects of illegal and performance-enhancing drug use. It is the intent and desire of the Rankin County Board of Education that equal educational opportunities be provided in any and all educational programs and activities. Jeans bottoms are not permitted . Grades shall be indicative of progress towards or degree of accomplishment relative to grade level standards and objectives of the subject and shall represent only quality of assignments completed or not completed. Meals cost cannot be charged in the cafeteria. A student may be required to be present for up to an hour before or after the instructional day as a means of disciplinary action provided the parent of the student has been notified of the detention and arrangements have been made for the students transportation. The Rankin County School District grants equal educational opportunities to all qualified persons regardless of race, creed, color, sex, national origin, marital status, religion, or disability. Additionally, students will not be dismissed while a district or state test is being administered so that distractions and potential test security violations can be avoided. All such programs designed by the schools must be approved by the district office and adequately supervised. ii Even if your school has a gendered dress code policy, you should still be able to wear the clothing and hairstyle allowed any student. Do not lend the device to a classmate, friend, or family member. The Board, recognizing the fact that student misconduct can jeopardize the safety of others, does hereby adopt the following procedures relative to student discipline for school bus transportation services: 1. Principal:Bryan Collins The principal shall have the right to deny visitation rights to any individual if in the judgment of the principal the visit might negatively affect the classroom procedures and/or might endanger public health. 4. The student will be informed of the charges orally or in writing by the principal or his designee. The student and the student's parent, legal guardian or person in custody of the student may appeal suspension of more than ten (10) days and expulsions to the school board. All due process rights of students shall be observed in the disciplinary process. The Board of Trustees of Rankin County School District prohibits bullying or harassing behavior of students, school employees, or volunteers. Permanent records and cumulative folders shall be collected, maintained, and disseminated in compliance with state law, the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, the confidentiality section of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, and State regulations. Communicable Diseases (JGCC). They are as follows: 3. Promotion to grades 9-12 is based on the accumulation of Carnegie units in accordance with the following schedule: Exception may be granted in order for students to graduate during the current school year provided the students age and/or 3 year graduation track is equivalent or greater than the peer age of the current graduating class. Click here to view immigration frequently asked questions, The Salt Lake City School District values and celebrates the incredible diversity of our students, families, and staff, including our robust refugee and immigrant constituency. If the principal determines that credit should be withheld based on attendance, the parent will have five (5) days to appeal the principal's decision. A student who enhances their educational performance or allows other students to enhance their educational performance through any dishonest means shall be given a zero and is subject to suspension or expulsion for the remainder of the year. is discouraged during State testing days. Credit recovery is defined by the Mississippi Department of Education as a course-specific, skill-based learning opportunity for students who have previously been unsuccessful in mastering content/skills required to receive high school course credit. Fax:601.992.1347, NORTHWEST RANKIN HIGH SCHOOL The mite is spread by direct, prolonged, skin-to-skin contact with a person who has scabies. Third damage occurrence: $50.00 deductible plus 50% of the repair cost to repair the laptop and loss of take home privileges. These grades will be considered in future scholarship applications. In all cases, the student will be orally informed of the charges lodged against him/her and the student shall have a right to respond and refute these charges. Crowdfunding items in an amount of $500 or more shall be formally submitted to the school board for acknowledgement and acceptance. The provisions of this policy shall not apply to any student who is under the care of a licensed physician and who is lawfully taking or in possession of medication which is prescribed under the supervision and direction of such licensed physician unless student is selling or distributing them in an illegal manner. (Districts Meeting the Highest Levels of Performance are exempted. Federal law defines homeless children and youth as individuals who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence. If a parent or legal guardian of a student who fails the dyslexia screener exercises the option to have a subsequent evaluation performed, such evaluation shall be administered by any of the licensed professionals, including: Psychologists, Psychometrists, or Speech Language Pathologists, and the resulting diagnosis of the subsequent evaluation must be accepted by the school district for purposes of determining eligibility for placement within a dyslexia therapy program. The District will determine the number of names to be drawn at random for drug testing. RCSD policies outlined in this document cover all available technologies now and in the future, not just those specifically listed or currently available. However, the principal may establish a school loan fund for use by students in emergencies or when the student does not have the necessary funds to pay for a meal. 3. Others may be notified of the identity of the infected person if the decision makers feel it is essential to protect the health of the infected student, upon obtaining written, specific consent for notifying these additional persons from the infected students parent/guardian. The procedure for administering corporal punishment is as follows: 1. At the end of the 42 day removal period a drug test will be administered to determine a test result. Lunch MenuVolunteerTransportation: 336 378 64452022-2023 GCS School CalendarSchool Report CardFree Online Tutoring & ResourcesK12 Payment Center. The dress code provides expectations which model good citizenship, teach grooming and hygiene, instill discipline, prevent disruptions, minimize safety hazards, and teach respect for authority. The instruction program may include a discussion on condoms or contraceptives, but only if that discussion includes a factual presentation of the risks and failure rates of those contraceptives. 7th Grade- Red or Gray 8th Grade- Light Blue or Black 2. The superintendent of schools or designee and the principal of a school shall have the power to suspend or expel a pupil for good cause, including misconduct in the school or on school property, on the road to and from school, or at any school-related activity or event or when such conduct by a pupil, including off campus conduct, in the determination of the superintendent/designee or principal, renders that pupils presence in the classroom a potential danger or potential disruption to the educational environment or an orderly educational process of the school or the education of others and are a detriment to the best interest and welfare of the pupils and teacher of such class as a whole, or for any reason for which such pupil might be suspended, dismissed or expelled by the school board under state or federal law or any rule, regulation or policy of the school district. <> The ELPT will be used to help determine eligibility for placement. Medicines checked in at the school must be in their original prescription or unopened over the counter container with the information label attached. Conduct at Extracurricular Activities. Such hearing may be conducted by a hearing officer appointed by the Board of Education with the final decision thereon to be made by the superintendent or assistant superintendent within five (5) days of said hearing. The following procedures provide notice and opportunity to be heard in such matters. 2. ; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973; Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972; Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act; Section 921 of Title 18 of the US Code. If the initial test is negative, no further tests will occur unless there is a good reason to suspect the quality of the sample. Students should wear a plain white collared shirt with sleeves. The superintendent shall notify the school board of the decision to close the schools. Destroying or altering the files of another user. REFERRAL DETERMINATION: STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES The District-Wide IEP Committee must be convened prior to a change in placement for a student with a disability to an appropriate interim alternative educational setting for not more than 45 days. In accordance with the Literacy-Based Promotion Act of 2013, each public school student who exhibits a substantial deficiency in reading at any time, as demonstrated through: 1. performance on a reading screener approved or developed by the MDE, or, 2. through locally determined assessments and teacher observations conducted in Kindergarten and Grades 1 through 3, or. NWEE (517) 817-4929 (517) 817-4669 (517) 817-4927 Please email with any questions. Parents, students and school personnel can be most effective in promoting safety and orderly conduct when they work together. Primary consideration shall be given to the safety and welfare of the students involved. Developing a Stakeholder committee, which includes parents, to develop, monitor and revise program activities. Dress policies exist for a reason: to make education a priority for all students. The District shall not assume responsibility for damage to vehicles. Step 3 Once a student has been identified as EL, they must have an English Language Service Plan (LSP), which should be filed and updated annually until the student exits EL status. Fax:601.845.2114, FLORENCE HIGH SCHOOL Our departments work toensure all students are prepared to confidently navigate their future. The first step in the process is an appeal to the Disciplinary Determination Committee (DDC). The Board insures that the parent/guardian of a student shall have full and free access to review all official records directly related to the student. * This grading scale shall be applied when calculating grade point averages for all students graduating after July, 2009; hence it is being applied retroactively. The plan shall be medically, legally, educationally and ethically sound. Public Complaints (KL) IV. RCSD reserves the right to send students home who exhibit elevated temperatures and/or other symptoms related to infectious diseases. 3. using, possessing, transmitting, or being under the influence of any narcotic substance, illegal or prohibited drug, or controlled substance as defined by state law. Sunglasses, hats, caps, headbands, curlers, or other headgear shall not be worn in the buildings, unless prescribed by a doctor. Students bringing a firearm or other weapon to school shall be expelled for a period of not less than one year, except when the superintendent modifies such expulsion requirements for an individual student in accordance with disability laws or case law decisions. 213 Brooks Street Student Drug Testing Program Extracurricular Activities (JCDAB) The Board shall thereupon make its final decision within a reasonable time, and after affording the aggrieved party of an opportunity to be heard; appeals from the decision of the School Board (Trustees) shall be to the Chancery Court of Rankin County, Mississippi. 4. The Rankin County School District may require any student to submit to a drug and/or alcohol test if there is reasonable suspicion that the student has or is using prohibited drugs and/or alcohol. Furthermore, the Rankin County School District defines reasonable actions including but not limited to promptly reporting the behavior to a teacher, principal, counselor, or other school employee when subjected to bullying or harassing behavior. Sellwood Middle School; School Dress Code; This page is currently unavailable. Shirts or tops must cover the waistband of pants, shorts, or shirts with no midriff visible. A valid or credible report of a gun in ones possession or control of an object that resembles a gun is another example. 1st damage, 2nd damage) AND by incident type (i.e. Any programs for limited-English proficient students should have a primary goal of mainstreaming those students into the regular classrooms and should emphasize English language instruction. El largo de la falda debe ser hast la rodilla. No pajamas or leggings may be worn. In the event that number grades are not sent from a prior school and verification is present that efforts have been made to secure the number grades and these efforts have been unsuccessful, then transfer students grades will be averaged using the midpoint grade (i.e., A=95, B=85, C=75, D=65, F=55). Conferences via telephone, electronic mail, or personal contact between parents and teachers provide an opportunity for a mutual exchange of information and ideas for constructively impacting the educational experience of the child. The District has legal title to the property at all times. No lo comparte con amigos. The administrative staff member is required to write, in reasonable details, the facts, symptoms or observations, which form the basis of the reasonable suspicion. Dismissals (JGFC). Drug Test means a scientifically substantiated method to test for the presence of illegal or performance-enhancing drugs, or the metabolites thereof, performed by an independent testing laboratory. What are advantages of dress codes? Hats, beanies, sunglasses, backpacks, or bags are not allowed. All absences will be counted except those that are school related such as athletic, band, choir contests or school-based club trips. School authorities are authorized to conduct reasonable searches of students or their property when reasonable suspicion (a suspicion based upon factors for which there is a valid reason to believe that a violation of school policy or the law is likely to have more likely than not occurred) and facts and reliable reports indicate that a particular student is or has been in possession or control of an item or a substance that represents a violation of school policy or school rules or of the law or that a substantial threat to school decorum and peace or safety exist. Thus, student images, names, and descriptions which would cause students to be identifiable or would allow logical deductions about disabilities or other factors deemed to be within the student sphere or privacy must not be used on such websites or elsewhere unless written, parental permission is secured in advance.

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northwest middle school dress code