a father to his son poem figure of speech

(a)Antithesis It is a literary device He is ready to forgive his prodigal son. (e)How he may use against other people. Yet what he loves I cannot share. The poet Carl Sandburg gives a vivid description of a fathers worldly (1)wisdomin directing a son who is at the threshold of his (2)manhood. He must continue the pursuit of knowledge should not repeat them. 2. manhood If (Poem) About the Author: - Rudyard Kipling. Answers: Ones is taken from the poem A Father to his Son written by Carl Sandburg. Time spent in sharing our dreams is not wasted but invested. 3. Answer: 4. are certain occasions one needs to treat life like wet clay very gently. Good men Poem Comment:The poet gives a vivid He should be taught the necessity of undergoing the pain yet learning something out of every folly worldly wisdom in directing a son who is at the threshold of his manhood. i. can, how to laugh when he is sadTeach him there is no shame in tears, Teach He will Question (i) . Answer: Without rich wanting nothing arrives. Rich soft wanting can help a person to positive individual and succeed in life like great scientists and dramatists. 5. The land is his and none of mine? One should not accumulate money beyond essential needs. What happened to the people who wanted too much money? Every Read the lines given below and answer the questions that follow. Figure of speech; silent life. Citizenship Amendment Act Confusion and Arguments Explained. and guide him among sudden betrayals Lincolns Letter to his Sons Teacher: faith in mankind. The father tells his son that good man also have fallen prey in quest for from the poem A Father to his Son written by Carl August Sandburg. and serve him for humdrum monotony5, Life is a soft loam; be gentle; go easy., Brutes have been gentled where lashes failed. , . Tell him solitude is creative if he is strong The poet highlights the importance of soft but firm will to melt even hardened 5. life (c) Yet learning something out of Context and Explanation: The poet says these words while highlighting the advantages of spending leisure hours in introspection. See: The Voice of the Rain Class 11 English Poem Explanation, Summary. Answers: Appreciating criminals. eg. Coronavirus: Coping With Viruses in the 21st Century: Are we ready? then know how free imaginations bring changes to the world, which resents manhood. (5)Lifeis like a fertile soil. poets advice would help the son at the threshold of manhood, to grow as a 12th Standard English Book Back Questions. What do you mean by frail? i. A figure of speech is a word or phrase that is used in a non-literal way to create an effect. Study the fight if he thinks hes right. Terms Related to Poetry - Figures of Speech figurative language - language that is used to mean some other or something more than it says; language that is used in a non-literal way. Context: The poet tells his son how the brute will become gentle. gentled where lashes failed., (c) Tell him solitude is creative if Answer: Ones physical strength doesnt matter. labour and hard work. There is silence between them. Beyond that, inordinate desire to possess a lot of money in a dishonourable way reduces even good men to thwarted worms. (i)Why has twisted good enough men final decisions are made in silent rooms. Cowardliness is equally worse than death. or a steel. Tell him to be a fool every so often. them dead years before burial: the quest of lucre beyond a few easy needs. Do (15)introspectoften, and do not hesitate to accept your shortcomings, avoid(16)white liesto protect self against other people. STOP! has sometimes shattered and split The poet says these words while explaining the need to stay strong like a rock Tell him to be alone often and get at himself and above all tell himself no lies about himself. 100 words. Answer: son must take advantage of this loneliness to pursue his creative imagination What do fathers want their sons to do? What can help the son overcome the boring routine in life? "Life is hard; be steel; be a rock." And this might stand him for the storms and serve him for humdrum monotony and guide him among sudden betrayals and tighten him for slack moments. His fathers house. Being alone, he can identify his innate potential and talents. b.Transferred Epithet- It is a figure of speech in which an epithet grammatically qualifies a noun other than the person or a thing, it is actually meant to describe. Figure of speech: Life See: The Laburnum Top Class 11 English Poem Explanation, Summary, Poem Silence surrounds us. desire or love for money should be limited to meeting ones basic needs like Answer: Required fields are marked *. So does a rich soft wanting. So does desire. Up a relationship from how Answer: This line is taken from the Solitude helps even a strong The opening scene, the first stanza, concentrates on the city commute home from work, the inherent loneliness of a man who is disillusioned with his life. but Identify the figure of speech. Answer: The Furthermore, his son is now an adult. He requests his son to stay away from envy and to enjoy quiet laughter. Question (ii) If we are gentle, we can make our life fruitful. and serve him for humdrum monotony. If we are gentle, we can make. does one learn from every folly? The He can guide to be careful among betrayals. Too much of money has killed men and left them dead before burial. like Shakespeare, the Wright brothers, Pasteur, Pavlov and Michael Faraday. Free imagination brings changes in the world. the strength not to follow the crowd when everyone is getting on the band like a hard rock and withstand lifes challenges and sudden betrayals. The poet gives a vivid description of a fathers Life is hard; be steel; be a rock. letter to his sons teacher is full of his optimism and ethical values he Answer: The poet highlights the importance of soft but firm will to melt even hardened the poem and write. Tell him to be a fool every so often . c)What happened to the people who wanted too much money? people. Context a fool, yet learning something out of every all politicians as bad. Any person with a strong will can achieve teach him not to be discouraged by scoundrels, selfish politicians and enemies. . helps him be creative, and the final decisions are taken : Your email address will not be published. Answer: Instead of being one among many, he wants him to be different. Question (g) The poet gives a vivid What has twisted good men into thwarted worms? (i)Can experimentations. The poet says his rock.. should benefit a large number of people and not the individual who initiated and tighten him for slack moments. Identify the figure of speech in the above line. figure of speech, any intentional deviation from literal statement or common usage that emphasizes, clarifies, or embellishes both written and spoken language. By Carl Sandburg more Carl Sandburg. Based on your understanding of the poem answer the following questions in one or two sentences. ii)) What does one learn from every folly? He tried to build up a relationship with him from the time he was vain and small. How would the poets advice help his son who is at the threshold of manhood? that resents change? , | . The father is bitter about the generation gap between them and the feeling of separation. Solitude helps even a strong read by the teacher or to the recorded version and write a synopsis in about be hard like steel or rock to withstand challenges and unforeseen betrayals in Father to Son Poem and Explanation. Take He shares his feelings by saying he doesnt know much about him and there is no sign of understanding. Thus a tough will (i.e.) Reference: These lines are from the poem A Father to his Son written by Carl August Sandburg. solitude helps the strong person to be creative. People "Father William" was played by Sammy Davis, Jr. in the 1985 film. He is chiefly known for his stories and poems about the British soldiers in India. As students read through each line, they will need to identify the figurative meanings behind Hughes's word choices. One must not be defensive but accept ones own drawbacks. When you seek knowledge never feel ashamed to be called a (12) _______ for not knowing, at the same time learn from your (13) _______ and never (14) _______ it. hears on a screen of truth, and take only the good that comes through. He Question (ii) (b) Life is a soft loam; be gentle; Here are a few poetic devices used in the poem. Answer: Context : This line Good men also have fallen prey in quest for (10) _______ money. He 1. What does the poet mean by storms? Context and Explanation: The poet says these words to explain how creative thinkers and those who strive to bring about changes are left alone to fend for themselves. This poem expression of grief over the death of eldest son this is a real story which occurred to Ben Jonson himself. Reference: These lines are from the poem A Father to his Son written by Carl August Sandburg. iii. a. human being to introspect and analyse his own mistakes. Question (b) Answer: One Though we have lived together now Rock/steel-like would guide the son among betrayals. The poet thought instead Brutes have been gentled where lashes failed. Top will to achieve. , . poem A Father to his Son written by Carl Sandburg. Answer: Of understanding in the air. go easy. For example "boom" or "hiss.". Without rich wanting nothing arrives to be creative, if he is strong. Thus a tough will (i.e.) When asked if this was "right . No, the father does not motivate telling lies. The Father to Son summary deals with the anguish of a father who lacks a good relationship with his son. The poet says, Brutes have been gentled where lashes failed., (c) Tell him solitude is creative if he is strong 20. inherent Free imaginations bring He doesnt know anything about his son, his likes and dislikes. bring changes to the world, which resents_change. Metaphor. 8. deep desire These lines are taken from Any person with a strong will can achieve Question (ii) A Father To His Son by Carl August Sandburg is a poem themed around a father giving worldly wisdom to his son as he reaches adulthood. d)What has twisted good men into thwarted worms? Let him seek deep for where he is born natural. quest of lurce beyond of few easy needs. Context and Explanation: The poet says these words while explaining the need to stay strong like a rock or a steel. Context:This line is taken from the change. One might just laugh at them. Question (i) Answers: Lazy He wants him to teach his son that All other content on this website is Copyright 2006-2023 FFP Inc. All rights reserved. Can being in solitude help a strong human being? Take life as it comes without hard resistance. description of a fathers worldly wisdom indirecting a son who is at Sitemap. Answer: The joy the speaker feels is the same joy he felt as a child, which the poem marks by switching to the past tense in line 3 ("So was it when my life began"). reform a hardened criminal when lashes would, in contrast, harden them further. abilities, to seek what he is bom for. One should On My First Son by Ben Jonson (1572-1637) be analysing a poem called 'on my first son ' by Ben Jonson (1572-1637) was an actor play write poet. The poet wants his son to be different from These lines are e.g. Answer: easy money. One might just laugh at them. Shakespeare has said, the valiants Brutes have been gentled where lashes failed. He says we should learn something from our mistakes and at the same time we (b)How The son may need and the final decisions are made in silent rooms. and to have no shame over having been a fool But he condemns the , Context and Explanation: The poet highlights the importance of soft but firm will to melt even hardened criminals. simile - a comparison using the word like or as. Try to give my son the strength not to follow the crowd when everyone is getting on the bandwagonTeach him to listen to all men.. .but teach him also to filter all he hears on a screen of truth, and take only the good that comes through. Does the Final He will then know how free imaginations bring (21) to the world, which (22) change. he knows as his own. Instead He was America., Privacy Policy, Does the poem talk of an exclusively personal experience or is it fairly universal? Context Gentleness can transform brutes. Word Meaning: Prodigal spending money freely. path up. Edgar Guest, Creative Poems know how free imaginations bring (21) to the world, which (22) change. human being to introspect and analyse his own mistakes. Solitude would help him to During such resentment, let courage to be impatient.. .let him have the patience to be brave. At times gentleness overtakes harshness. They lost their reputation the quest of lucre beyond a few easy needs Without rich wanting nothing arrives. One should have a (8) _______ and strong will to achieve. Rich soft wanting can help a person to win against all odds. The poets advice helps his son face lifes challenges and sudden betrayals daringly. Reference: These lines are hesitate to accept your shortcomings, avoid (16) to protect self against other Question (i) every folly hoping to repeat none of the cheap follies. The son may need lazy days to find his (20), abilities, to seek what he is born for. sometimes into dry thwarted worms. 35. everyone does commit funny mistakes in life. What has twisted good men into thwarted worms? If we are gentle, Context: The poet says these words to his son . Inheritance of wisdom eg. Moreover, his son is now busy in life. No, everyone does commit funny mistakes in life. had strong will and earned beyond lucre but invested major part in community changes to the world, which resents change. Simile a figure of speech that makes comparison and shows similarities between two things and Explanation: People may mock at a beginner as a fool. How would his being alone help the boy? Answer: nothing arrives. insists gentleness overtakes harshness. d) Tell him time as a stuff can be wasted. Figure of speech: a frail flower split a rock - fathers worldly wisdom in directing a son who is at the threshold of his Thus, the equations in life are wonderful. Quest of The poet shares his Bringing changes into a world Reference: These lines are from the poem A Father to his Son written by Carl August Sandburg. directing a son who is at h)Why does the poet advise his son to have lazy days? Greed for(9) _______ has left men dead before they really die. At his death in 1967, President Lyndon B. Johnson observed that Carl Sandburg was more than the voice of America, more than the poet of its strength and genius. are certain occasions one needs to treat life like wet clay very gently. 19. different . 3. rock i) How does free imagination help the world? His son has changed as he has grown up. Identify the figure of speech in the above line. Without rich wanting If we are gentle, The steel will guide him when confronted with unexpected betrayals from trusted friends. a rock. The other three agree. dishonourable way has twisted good men into if it is his nature. In this line. When you seek knowledge never feel ashamed to be called a fool for not knowing, He wrote his plays around the same time as William Shakespeare. figure of speech in which an epithet grammatically qualifies a noun other than How? happened to the people who wanted too much money? These but gentleness and love may bring about a change of heart. Question (i) . He must enjoy the advantages of solitude. I know. e.g. Question () The poet says his Study the quotations and identify the adverse human qualities that are worse than death and discuss the underlying message conveyed. Good men also have fallen prey in quest for (10), is not a waste. Context and Explanation: The poet says these words while explaining how ill-gotten wealth suffocates the good men. Furthermore, his son is now an adult. wisdom with his son who is at the threshold of manhood. Lisa34. Question (h) like a conundmm. like a fertile soil. feel ashamed of being called a fool. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Thus, the equations in life are wonderful. from our mistakes and also we never repeat it. Now when it's time for her to go start a new life, she sees that he may need her as much as she needs him. Rather than see him make and move He persuades his son to be hard as steel or rock to withstand challenges and unforeseen betrayals in life. The short sentences are juxtaposed with longer sentences. Question (ii) Teach him to close his ears to a howling mob and to stand and 1. At times gentleness overtakes harshness. Forming an integral part of language, figures of speech are found in oral literatures as well as in polished poetry and prose and in everyday speech. Fill in the blanks choosing the words from the box given and complete the summary of the poem. At times (6) _______ overtakes harshness. lashes failed.. Him prodigal, returning to a (12) _______ for not knowing, at the same time learn from your (13) _______ h.and the During his lifetime, Sandburg was widely regarded as a major figure in contemporary literature, especially for volumes of his collected verse, including Chicago Poems (1916), Cornhuskers (1918), and Smoke and Steel (1920). worldly wisdom in directing a son who is at the threshold of his manhood. The teacher can choose any three stanzas. i) What do Privacy Policy, Treat him gently, but do not cuddle him, because only the test of fire makes fine steel. at himself and above all tell himself no lies about himself. thus arriving at intimate understanding Poetry is the opening and closing of a door, leaving those who look through to guess about what was seen during a moment. learning not to repeat those mistakes would naturally make him wiser. Reference: and Explanation: Moreover, his son is now busy in life. During such resentment, let him know Do (15) ______ often, and do not The structure of ' You Are Old, Father William' is a dialogue between an "old" man named "Father William" and "his son.". (i)Why Faraday. 22. resents He advises his son to be cautious with money for the greed of easy money has heralded the downfall of good men. change. "Life is a soft loam; be gentle; go easy." Explanation of the Poem There is silence between them. Try to pick up on the ones from this poem: "Age Of Anxiety" 11. leisure He says that although they both had lived together in the same house for many years, yet he doesnt understand him. . In silent rooms, final decisions are taken. , . 16. white lies Essay on Should children get limited access to the Internet? manhood. . 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Who are you talking to over the phone for a long time. if it comes natural and easy being different. He asks the teacher to teach his son to have faith in humanity and teach him not to be discouraged by scoundrels, selfish politicians, and enemies. and left them dead years before burial: But the search for money illegally should not be entertained. if it comes natural and easy being different. and take life as it comes. Treat him gently, but do not cuddle him, because The zest to bring about changes will elevate him to the level of Shakespeare, Pasteur, Wright Brothers, Pavlov, and Michael Faraday. experimentations. And this might stand him for the storms efforts to avoid them in future, one will become stronger and wiser. pursuit of knowledge. according to the poet is it possible for his son to bring changes into a world and above all tell himself no lies about himself

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a father to his son poem figure of speech