city of liberty hill design standards

This number will be affected by Lot Standards in Table 5.1 [4-4]. Applicants may file multiple applications for nonconcurrent actions/approvals. The use of land for the production and primary processing of food and fibers for sale, including cultivating, dairying, horticulture, pasturing, floriculture, silviculture, viticulture, animal and poultry husbandry, and such incidental accessory facilities as greenhouses and nurseries, provided that the operation of such accessory facilities shall be clearly secondary to normal agricultural activities. C. Any other specific procedure or legislative action that requires City Council action as specified in this Code, or required by state or federal law. 1. Banners and Balloons. Zoning Verification Letter. Criteria. L. Recordation. No requirement or the procedure of the Planning and Zoning Commission action may govern if it is in conflict with specific provisions of this Code. Enclosed Storage. TRANSPORTATION TERMINAL. Section 3282.8 (g). All lands lying within a measured distance from the top of each bank of a perennial or intermittent stream, intended to protect the stream, its water quality, and riparian habitat. Canopy trees are trees that occupy the uppermost layer in a forest. Trees that must be moved during a fire prevention operation. An unfinished enclosure constructed of flood resistant materials used solely for parking of vehicles, storage, or building access in an area other than a basement is not the lowest floor, as long as it is supplied with water equalizing vents. The City Administrator or the Councils designee shall provide clarification when uncertainty exists as to the current boundaries of districts as shown on the Official Zoning Map. The parkland shall be dedicated to the city by general warranty deed, and acceptable evidence of clear title and evidence that all taxes have been paid shall be furnished by the city. Adult Lounge means an adult cabaret that serves alcoholic beverages. Odorous Matter. B. Collectively, these standards exist in order to achieve a variety of housing and building types, as well as achieve the goals and policies identified in the City of Liberty Hills Comprehensive Plan. Ownership is not a factor in this type of unit, and may be either rental or condominium. All Nonconforming Signs that were erected in violation of the ordinances of the City in existence at the time the sign was permitted or should have been permitted, and which violation was or has not been cured, shall, upon written notice, be required to be brought into compliance with this Section or removed within a reasonable time frame specified by the City Administrator, but not to exceed 30 days. The landowner or developer shall complete all such improvements specified or referenced in the subdivision plat or site development permit and the construction plans for the same, within one (1) year from the date of final plat approval or site development permit issuance unless granted an extension by the City. Any radio, television or communication antenna or tower for uplink, downlink, relay, broadcast or reception of communication signals, but not including either mobile transmitters and receivers or any such facilities with a transmission power of less than seven (7) watts. 4. Steep Slope. The subdivider may obtain a Letter of Regulatory Compliance from the City Administrator prior to commencing work on any development, and may be required to do so by the City as part of an application for another procedure. Watercourse. Maximum Development Density. Nursery, Commercial and/or Gardening Supplies Sales. Land typically adjacent to a body of water with ground surface elevations that are inundated by the base flood. The following signs shall be exempt from regulation under this Chapter: 1. F. The City Council shall serve as the final action authority for all development-related applications listed in Section 2.03.07(B) above, and as indicated throughout this Code. The Parks and Recreation Board shall be an advisory body to the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council on policies, programs, public and private parks within new developments in Liberty Hills jurisdictional area, and park and recreation facilities that serve the citizens of Liberty Hill. The Citys Comprehensive Plan and any other adopted plans as they relate to: i. Duplexes are intended to provide affordable housing options, but should not occupy more than 20% of all units in single-family residential subdivisions. And a 35% impervious cover limit (0.35) could be adjusted upwards by 10% up to 38.5% or 0.10 X 0.35 = 0.385, instead of the original 35%. Issuance of a site development permit or a final plat for a single-family residential subdivision within the City Limits constitutes approval of a Stormwater Permit for that specific development. A source of water and a distribution system, including treatment and storage facilities, whether publicly or privately owned, serving or providing potable water to multiple lots, dwelling units, businesses or commercial or industrial developments. About Liberty Hill The City of Liberty Hill is located in Williamson County north of the City of Leander. A public record of the disposition shall be made and maintained in the appropriate City records. Unified Development Code Text Amendment. All land generally to the west and upstream of the Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone that provides drainage into the Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone. All such terms shall be considered interchangeable. Cemetery, Crematoria, Mausoleums, Memorial Parks, (Ordinance 14-O-11 adopted 4/14/14; Ordinance 15-O-04 adopted 1/26/15). 1 . For purpose of this subchapter, easements and other appurtenances shall be considered outside such property. Block. Development is required to provide a higher level of amenity to its users or residents than would be required under the normal standards of this code. B. G. Responsibility for Final Action. The summons or notice shall require the appearance of the violator before the Municipal Court of the City and all fines paid by the violator shall be paid to the Municipal Court Clerk. An application for a Consent Agreement Approval may be filed concurrent with an Application for a Vested Rights Determination, or at any time prior to approval of a final decision relating to an Application for a Vested Rights Determination by the City Attorney or the City Council. Regulations on commercial development should be intelligently crafted, so as to encourage economic development by providing predictability, continuity, and protection for investments that would be enhanced by orderly and attractive growth. The decision of the city council shall be final. Industrial Park. (3) At least 50% of the dedicated parkland shall be level, well-drained, and suitable for use as an open playfield. When a sign requiring a permit under Chapter 6 of this Code is erected without a sign permit, the City Administrator shall use the following procedures. Adult Arcade means a movie arcade, game arcade, or other business that primarily offers still or motion pictures or games that emphasize specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas. Where an existing thoroughfare that does not meet the Citys right-of-way or design standards abuts a proposed new development, the City may require the property owner to dedicate the right-of-way for a standard thoroughfare width, and to improve the street according to the dimensions and specifications in this Code, depending on factors such as the impact of the development on the thoroughfare, the timing of development in relation to need for the thoroughfare, and the likelihood that adjoining property will develop in a timely manner. H. A preliminary or final plat, Conditional Use permit, zoning map amendment, or variance request will not be recommended for approval until the application is complete and the information contained within the application is sufficient and correct so as to allow adequate review and a decision on a recommendation by the appropriate review authority. Floor Area Ratio, (FAR). Other temporary uses approved by the City Council (festivals, carnivals, fairs, night-time construction). A roof-like structure of a permanent nature which may be freestanding or projected from a wall of a building or its supports. A statement indicating that the omission of a limitation or restriction shall not relieve the Applicant of the necessity of complying with all applicable local, state and federal laws; x. Those plant communities that develop in the absence of human activities. A traffic-way including toll roads for through traffic, in respect to which owners or occupants of abutting property or lands and other persons have no legal right of access to or from the same, except as may be permitted by the public authority having jurisdiction over such traffic-way. Any building, structure, or use lawfully existing at the time of passage of this Code, although not in compliance therewith, may be maintained as provided in Chapter 4, Zoning, Section 4.14, Nonconforming Uses. The party responsible for a sign shall be: (1) The person whose name of business is being identified on the sign, and/or. A use engaged in the loaning of money on the security of property pledged in the keeping of the pawnbroker, and the incidental sale of such property. If the TIA threshold is exceeded, the applicant shall be so advised on the TIA Determination Worksheet and referred to the City Administrator or his designee for consultation concerning the preparation of a TIA. 2. This chapter addresses policies contained in the Comprehensive Plan and legal requirements for the adequate provision of infrastructure for the health, safety, and welfare of the residents of the City of Liberty Hill and its surroundings. Calendar day, unless otherwise specified. An integrated grouping of commercial activity, primarily of a retail and personal service nature, in a building complex having the individual establishments joined by a common covered pedestrian mall or walkway. B. The total number of units allowed (not yet permitted) based on the Preliminary Yield and Lot Standards for a tract. Shared Open Space. G. The Planning and Zoning Commission will serve as an Advisory Body to the City Council. When in conflict, the more restrictive standard shall apply. For residential subdivisions using a cluster development, minimum lot standards may be decreased based on a Planned Unit Development Concept. All City officials and employees with the responsibility or authority to issue a permit, certificate or license are prohibited from issuing a permit or license for any use, building, or purpose that conflicts with any provision of this Code. (PUBLIC). Buffering provides visual screening and spatial separation of two adjoining buildings and areas of intense activity. The City Administrator shall serve as staff to the Planning and Zoning Commission, Board of Adjustments (BOA), Parks and Recreation Board, and the City Council except where otherwise provided by this Chapter. C. No change of any nature shall be made on the Official Zoning Map or matter shown thereon except in conformity with procedures set forth in this Code. For this type of development, only one of the side yard setbacks may be waived for areas between housing units. The applicant shall present sufficient evidence and have the burden to justify a reversal of the action being appealed. The City of Liberty Hill has the statutory authority to exercise a broad range of powers within its city limits. Ecosystem. Such Conditional Use Permits must be resubmitted to the City Administrator and the City Council for consideration using the modified site plan. Any rights recognized by the application of this section shall not extend beyond the time periods prescribed for the validity of the permit or permits that were submitted for recognition except by the granting of a variance from the time limit as provided herein. Natural Features. A single-family dwelling constructed as part of a series of dwellings, all of which are either attached to the adjacent dwelling or dwellings by party walls or are located immediately adjacent thereto with no visible separation. MODULAR HOME RESIDENTIAL. Adjustment of Numerical Standard. Base Flood (Elevation)(BFE). ft. in area. Performance Bond. Dwelling Attached. The City Administrator shall take action on or before the applicable one of the following dates: i. Fourteen days after the submission of a complete application if the application is for existing buildings; or. An applicant may only appeal the specific reasons given for the administrative disapproval or denial. Liberty City Hall 101 East Kansas Street Liberty, MO 64068, The quantity and quality of Stormwater discharges must be controlled from developed sites, both of which are crucial requirements for protecting human life and property, maintaining overall water quality and for creating more environmentally conscious site design. E. Profitability Not to Be Considered. 5. A residential use, structure, or building incidental to the principal permitted or conditionally approved use on a site, whether comprising a portion of the principal structure on the site or located within an accessory structure or building. 12. The City of Round Rocks Design and Construction Standards shall apply for all public facilities within the City limits and ETJ of Liberty Hill. Alley. ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES. Site Development | Liberty Hill, TX Accessory buildings on residential lots shall meet all front and side yard requirements for primary structures. A narrow roadway for access to an area of commercial, multifamily or industrial structures. 3. RAILROAD FACILITIES. A landscaped area or areas within the shortest line defining the perimeter or exterior boundary of the parking or loading area, or similar paved area, excluding driveways or walkways, providing access to the facility (as applied to parking and loading facilities or to similar paved areas). A binding Site Plan for the Conditional Use Permit must be approved by the City Council in order to approve issuance of a Conditional Use Permit. Applicants are responsible for developing the PUD Ordinance. The owner or tenant of any building, structure, premises, or any part thereof, and any architect, engineer, builder, contractor, agent or other person who knowingly commits, participates in, permits, assists with or maintains such violation may each be found guilty of a separate offense and suffer the penalties provided in this Chapter; in addition, each party may also be subject to civil penalties as provided in this Chapter or applicable law. A strip or area of land, identified on a site plan or in a zoning ordinance, established to separate one type of land use from another land use. Upon cessation of the event or use, the site shall be returned to its previous condition (including the removal of all trash, debris, signage, attention attracting devices or other evidence of the special event or use). E. Change of use: Whenever a land use changes, any nonconforming sign must be modified or removed so as to be in full compliance with these sign regulations. A. Applicability. The average depth of any lot shall not exceed four times the average width of the lot. D. When filed, the final plat must also provide all support documentation required by the County Clerks office for recordation. The site plan shall indicate conformance with any applicable provisions of this Code. Dedication of land and community facilities, 11. Height. Automotive Repair Services. Topography. Special planning areas are identified in the following Zoning District Table as Overlay Districts. That the conditions that create the need for the variance do not generally apply to other property in the vicinity. Land within the 25-year floodplain shall not be credited against the parkland dedication requirement. A self-illuminated or externally illuminated sign or sign structure in which electric wiring, connections and/or fixtures are used, as part of the sign, to provide illumination. Part of a building between any floor and the floor next above, and if there be no floor above, then the ceiling above. A request for variance shall identify the specific provisions for which a variance is being requested and the reasons that justify granting the variance. A zoning location, together with all buildings and structures thereon. Prior to taking civil action, the City shall notify the defendant of the provisions of the Code that are being violated. A principal traffic artery within residential areas that may provide routes to local facilities, serves as the main entrance to a sizeable development, or a combination of developments. Right of Way Permit Requirements. Action on Permit. A development concept which encourages and permits variations in residential developments by allowing deviation in lot size, type of dwelling, lot coverage and open space from that which is normally required in the applicable zoning district. Conditional Use permits allow for discretionary City Council approval of uses with unique or widely varying operating characteristics or unusual site development features, subject to the terms and conditions set forth in this Code. C. No building permit or certificate of occupancy may be issued for any parcel or tract of land until such property has received final plat approval and is in conformity with the provisions of this Code, the plat has been recorded, public improvements have been accepted by the City (if applicable), and no private improvements will take place or be commenced except in conformity with these regulations in this Code. This district is intended to provide for low intensity, limited impact industrial uses, which may include office warehousing, wholesaling, product assembly and light manufacturing conducted primarily within the confines of a building. The purpose of the City Engineers review is to ensure conformance to City policies and standards. The purpose of this Chapter is to define words with a special meaning relative to the goals and purposes of this Unified Development Code. Commercial Off-Street Parking. The following are exempt from the provisions of this Code: A. Preserve and protect waterways and floodplains. To comply with any other duty or responsibility clearly assigned to the City Administrator elsewhere in this Code; 2. J. Party Responsible. C. The BOA will be constituted and conduct all activities in accordance with the Code and all other applicable Codes, and any adopted Bylaws. Prior to final acceptance for maintenance of the completed improvements by the City Administrator, the landowner or developer shall require any construction contractors with whom he contracts for furnishing materials and for installation of the improvements required under this Code, to provide written guarantees to the City, and shall himself be required to furnish to the City, a written guarantee, that all workmanship and materials shall be free of defects for a period of one (1) year from the date of acceptance by the City Administrator. Williamson County shall be the primary platting authority in the Citys ETJ, until such time as the City of Liberty Hill and Williamson County enter into an interlocal agreement which stipulates the division of review authority. A sign that is mounted on one or more freestanding poles or other supports so that the bottom edge of the sign face is not in direct contact with a solid base or the ground. 12-2022) This Code of Ordinances and/or any other documents that appear on this site may not reflect the most current . The City Council is responsible for appointing and removing any members of the Planning and Zoning Commission, BOA, and Parks and Recreation Board. To engage in any development, use, construction, remodeling, or other activity of any nature upon any area or to make improvements thereon subject to the jurisdiction of this Code without all required permits, certificates, or other forms of authorization as set forth in this Code. A PUD may be used to permit new or innovative concepts in land use not permitted by other zoning districts in this Code or to permit development projects that existing districts cannot easily accommodate. A main or primary use of land, as distinguished from an accessory use. The Future Land Use Map should be consulted for areas located outside of the current City Limits of Liberty Hill in order to determine the recommended use(s) of land for a specific area. Recommendations regarding Comprehensive Plan amendments may be by [sic] made by the Planning and Zoning Commission. Boarding and Rooming House. B. no progress has been made towards completion of the project, as defined in Texas Local Government Code 245.005. iv. The City Administrator is responsible for final action on Administrative Plat Reviews. All open, off-street parking and vehicular use areas shall bear an all-weather geotechnically engineered surface to meet a loading requirement of 75,000 pounds. The following rules describe administration of time requirements. 2. A master sign plan shall be required for all multiple-tenant buildings, PUDs, and all multibuilding or multioccupant commercial developments before any signs for such development may be erected on the property. Normal grade shall be construed to be the (1) existing grade prior to construction (2) the newly established grade after construction, or (3) the crown of the adjacent roadway. Maximum Development Density. Agricultural Land. Mobile Home. All sites above floodplains and away from them. An applicant who has paid the appropriate fee pursuant to submission of an application, but who chooses to withdraw such application prior to the formal written notification of completeness or incompleteness, shall be entitled to a refund of fifty (50) percent of the total amount paid upon written request to the City. F. Lighting. A yard extending along the full length of the rear lot line of the zoned area. In the event the City Council fails to make a ruling on the variance within sixty (60) days from the date the application for variance is filed, the application for variance shall be deemed denied. Any boundary of a lot that is not a front lot line or a rear lot line but generally running perpendicular to the front or rear lot lines. 6. B. A copy of the agreements providing for the proper and continuous operation, maintenance and supervision of such facilities shall be presented to the City Administrator and approved as to form by the City Attorney at the time of final plat approval or site development permit issuance and shall be filed of record with the plat or permit thereof.

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city of liberty hill design standards