glenn beck today show transcript

One of its original investors was the CIA, only?They also are the cloud for our Pentagon and everything else.And where is -- where are our doctors going?The American College of OB-GYN. Russian hacker. Watch Glenn's new two-hour show available live and on-demand Monday through Friday on! We cannot lose. Vladimir Putin announced on the 21st, that they were suspending the participation and the new start. Here are the TOP 5 reasons to STOP sending aid to Ukraine NOW, Here are Glenn's TOP 13 quotes from this week's radio highlights, EXPLAINED: How far-left AGENTS OF CHAOS are destroying us all, Glenn: This TAKE DOWN of a LYING nominee means NOTHING, Here are the TOP 5 reasons for sending aid to Ukraineand why they're wrong, SHOCK: How a pastor deterred ARMED robbers with PRAYER, Glenn: Its my duty to WARN YOU about THIS threat to America, Russia wants to bring about a NEW WORLD ORDER, and WE are antagonizing them to do it. But it gets worse. As a nation, we're not making good choices.So that's faltering. Use the promo code Glenn and save.But all our hosts do this from time to time. They're going after natural gas.So do you want to get rid of natural gas, as well as oil?Because I don't. Is that really necessary?GLENN: Well, just listen. And subscribe now with the promo code Glenn. And it's coming in, like never before.And our government and our press is telling us, the border is secure.It's not secure. Then, Glenn details what he believes could be the most imminent threat facing our nation: Cyber attacks against our critical infrastructure. I have never seen a witness stonewall like this before. That's racist.And Elon Musk came out yesterday and said, yeah. Let me play -- let me play a couple of things here. We all need more good stories in our daily consumption of news, so Glenn is here to help! And all of the Republicans have all said, this is out of control. This is GBTV and the truth lives here. So if Russia is allowed to win the war, this would still constitute a victory for the West, and defeat for Russia. It previously had been public.I asked you to provide the public posts, that previously had been made on Twitter. And it will disappear, along with all of humanity, if a nuclear apocalypse begins.Even if we imagine a Ukrainian victory, after so many people die, and the infrastructure is completely destroyed. Any; Short; Long; They say this is all about diversity. This is an incomplete transcript. We will continue to fund that.But could we fund some police too?Oh, good. There's a great evil happening in our country. Quote, my personal Twitter account is comprised of posts about my history novels, events at the White House Historical Association, Pittsburgh sports teams, travels, and my dog.Let's talk a little bit about your Twitter posts then, that I was asking you about. And why are they overwhelmed?Because there's not enough qualified police. (music)GLENN: I am so happy to have the sponsors that I do. People's lives. I'm neither. So the president is -- is over now, and he's in Ukraine.And, wow. You broke the law, you're going to jail.No. On February 7th, the pentagon notified Congress that China now has more ICBMs than we do.John F. Kennedy in 1962, the only way we're safe is if we're bigger and stronger than everyone else.This is what happens, when American power is diminished. WATCH: Biden 'announces' U.S. This is doing. And let you actually decide. And you want to be the archives of the United States. Is that a post about sports teams and your dog or mystery novels?VOICE: My social media is in my personal capacity, Senator.VOICE: I have to say, I have been here for four years. Today; Last week; Last month; Last year; All Time; Duration. They would still be saying.We don't know. If that's what makes you happy.This exchange made me very happy.VOICE: Dr. Shogan, when you were here last year, a number of senators asked you, including me, a series of questions about an article you had written, public statements that you had made on social media, that were pretty grossly partisan, and I thought offensive. He's like, uh-huh. And we think it's really, the most likely that the Chinese lab leak was the one that caused that.Excuse me?Excuse me? I know.How much would you have paid to shake his hand, and get your photo with Weird Al?STU: No. But he is hawkish on this.STU: Right. Get Glenn's latest insights, top stories, show prep and more delivered to your inbox. And there's something to gain there for the good of the United States.GLENN: Right. Because she left it all open. They were scheduled to take on the number five Long Trail Mountain Lions of Dorset. Remember, the national archives are now saying, this document here is very triggering.Yes, if you're King George III, it shouldn't be triggering to you now. This is extraordinary.I mean, this is unbelievable. You have a whole host. You mentioned Crimea will not happen.But if you're a Ukrainian citizen, you're like, well, wait a minute. My children have been taken away from me.GLENN: Stop. I told you that there was an ammunition storage facility in Moldova. For over 25 years, Rick & Bubba have been broadcasting the truth when it comes to God, Guns, Food and Family. He's like, hey, you. Bit by bit, the powers have had to admit the truth behind most of the conspiracy theories, that they so violently attacked. If that's what you were excited about it.But at what cost? That are on the FBI's most wanted list for terrorism.We haven't even begun to pay for the open border through terrorism. May I just say, we are repeating to the letter World War I.The elites, the socialists, got together with all the socialists in the west, and they all got together, and said, you know, if we kind of push this along, it will be a quick war.And it will be able to collapse all of the old regimes.And -- and we'll be -- and we'll be great.And we'll have this new utopian world.So what happened?Well, it wasn't quick.It killed millions.Changed the history of Europe.It did collapse some of the old empires. Now, remember, the national archives, should just be somebody collecting all of the stuff, and preserving it.Okay?I don't want a political ideologue. It is an out-and-out lie.I don't accept it. This is the reason America has always been successful.The people have been good. And it is very difficult for the public to hold anyone accountable, after the fact.When an emergency presents the opportunity to achieve power, under the state of exception, it is always best to manufacture the narrative, to secure that power as quickly as possible.And then make the adjustments later, after the power is firmly in hand. But it was so good. And you're going to get everybody stirred up.And now?You're silenced if you say that's not true.Nine-year-old child taught by Debra Rosenquist, at Terryville Road Elementary School, Long Island, identifies as a girl, but was being called a boy's name and given male pronouns in class. I don't like you.STU: Right. I'm going to show you some things from this week, from a couple of hearings, that I just -- I mean, I cheer.We are actually starting to find a spine in this country.And that is so great! You know, I take handfuls of it, and it doesn't do anything for me. I don't know. We all knew Russia was involved. Now they won't even make the argument, because they won't let themselves use the word.We are screwed up.GLENN: Let me ask you something. And you find a lot of these results play out that way.GLENN: Hmm. And it is so satisfying. And he's seeing this. Russian hackers are not being stopped. Something is about to happen. Okay?This is like, you know, you'll have to meet the archivist, just to get that paper. This is from National Review. Transcript Providers : Return to Transcripts main page. But the pastor and his congregation used quick thinking and PRAYER to stop the potential travesty. So people come in, and your private security, cannot touch or stop anyone.You can only report it to the police. We have to send the jets.Really? I will say though, in sports, you have a little bit of real world evidence, that boys are able to compete in most sports, at a higher level, than girls. Oh, my gosh.How -- how dare you say this about abortion. We have somebody who is a lefty.And on the second hearing, in the Senate, she was kind of caught in a little trap. Okay. Okay. And the Chinese said that he was breaking the pot of China, which is an expression for the Chinese of don't bite the hand that feeds you.And they want him to stop drawing attention to the origins. Correct.STU: Even if that mission is correct, what are we screwing up?GLENN: By the way, the work that we're doing now at Blaze TV is so incredibly critical. Because he's currently doing that. In a busy news cycle, you might not have heard. Can you tell me -- what's on your tweets. Have Joy. And he looks up, and he does -- he looks at me for like half a second.And then he goes right to Tania, like, come on over here, and sit on B.B. And they are asking, in this national poll, what are you concerned about. GLENN: Let me give you a couple of stories here that I think are -- say everything that you need to say.There's a new poll out. And it has said that the, quote, former military inspector of military defense of Moldova has said the armed forces of some country I've never heard of. And just like regular Relief Factor, that you take for pain. Now, I don't care about that at all.I do think that was interesting. You lied to us, under oath.You lied to us in your QFRs. I think this is a great story.Four armed men, wearing masks -- masks, entered a Missouri church earlier this month. Theyre only concerned about their own power, he explains, and theyll shut down anyone who disagrees. THE DOCUMENTS for the 'Arming Ukraine Debate' Glenn TV special, DEBATE: Is It Time to STOP Arming Ukraine? I hope that's you.If not, join us. And I don't see how this stops. So they've gone and said, hey. Don't lie. We want equal justice. He seems to have, you know, less syphilis than the last mad dictator, that tried to take over the world.I don't want to give him any help. GLENN: Okay. Putin does not think so at all. 800-4-Relief. Sixteen specific entities. Okay?Now, I want to give you just a little thing on just to urge you to understand what we may be facing. So great!However, we have to do more than cheer and yell at people. That matters. ziegenfelder popsicles; best college marching bands in north carolina; halimbawa ng positibo at negatibong pahayag. We are no longer close allies with Saudi Arabia.What have we been saying for the longest time to the left? B.B. Elton John. He said, the hairs on my -- back of my neck stood up. Just try being gay. For the second time, in a few weeks, listen to this. You can yell at people, but it doesn't change anything.That woman should not be in the -- as the archivist for multiple reasons.But she should pay some price, for lying under oath.They're all doing it.If they don't punish those people, why would you care?Why would you care? Retweet a post, ban assault weapons now. If you're Russia, you're going to see that as a big problem.And this is one of the biggest issues with this, Glenn. I love B.B. Start your two week free trial HERE! And the young men are like, uh. Call your state legislators TODAY and tell them to pass the Fair Access bill. I shouldn't say that. They don't agree with -- with your -- they don't agree with Jesus. People were canceled for that. During which, the regime could lock down its political opponents, unleash its own supporters, to those who opposed them. FBI came out, this is Christopher Ray. They put their hands on the back of these guys. But actively encouraged the fifth graders to try being gay. And not even intentional.But there's a lot of fighting going on around there. In fact, they elected a President who said, if you elect me for a second term, I will not send your boys into war. I would like to do that. But I can also understand how, I don't know. That doesn't seem like a good thing to me.Because they always seem to miss all of the bullets. This slow drip of truth, is not some admission of failure or culpability. Doctors. And he has a song from many years ago.GLENN: You went alone, didn't you?STU: Of course I did. That is a line for us.Wait a minute. Except, Russia would survive, and humanity would be saved.However, in either scenario, there will be no Ukraine.It will disappear, if we win. Saying, we are with you, in this fight.And this fight is unlimited, and it will only end with regime change.What the hell do you think that means to Russia?And now, after we're sending all this, we actually think we have the right to tell China, don't send any military aid to Russia.Who the hell do we think we are?We're on the wrong side.We -- this is the beginning, of real darkness.We are on the wrong side.And I'm not saying China and Russia are the right side. They're doing it to us. Wearing the mask.Looked at each other.And went, yes, sir.And turned around and walked out.Police are still looking for them.STU: Wow.GLENN: The pastor said, I've got to find this. We know it. Glenn is back on TV! Relief Factor sleep is 100 percent drug-free.I have -- I have never taken a sleep product, where you don't feel it the next day.I've had -- what the? Some private Nike police. 2023 MERCURY RADIO ARTS.ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. She hates B.B. We just -- because I don't think our team would be necessarily that good. Too Many Seniors Ignore This Condition 2,267 Urologist: Most Men With An Enlarged Prostate Do Not Know About This Simple Solution 511 114,041 If Governor Ron DeSantis ran against Biden in 2024, who would you vote for? Before Woodrow Wilson sent all our boys to war.We have got to wake up. And did I look into it?I mean, sure. You don't have to just think of -- I want to add two more things to this pile. Then, Glenn details what he believes could be the most imminent threat facing our nation: Cyber attacks against our critical infrastructure. 50 percent.If there's somebody you want to off, now would probably be a good time. Stay awake. Let's not think too long on that. Tonight, on the Wednesday night special, I'm talking to real lions on both sides.I have invited Jerry Boykin. Are now worried about our credibility. Who sent you here? And you also said you wouldn't give this committee, any of your public posts. I would do it again.GLENN: Play the accordion, Al! Use, and promo code Glenn, and you will save.STU: Right. A private meeting with Weird Al. He is for the weapons and what we're doing in Iran -- or, in Ukraine.And I have Andy Biggs on.And he disagrees with even the funding of it. MyPillow 2.0.Remember, it's the promo code Beck, that will give you that savings. I'm like, Mr. King. Because I didn't.They're ignoring us.And taking us down a path, that they are designing.And we have got to stand up, you've got to call every congressman and every senator you know. We just have to start saying it, out loud. Our government is complicit in the trafficking of the drugs. Don't take Relief Sleep. But not where it counts.Where it counts is what people think, and who they are!That's real diversity. He reiterated, FBI has done a lot of stuff. You know, we don't ever talk about this.But as far as people touched -- you know, people that are hearing, watching. Never. Television. It's accuracy cannot be guaranteeing. Specifically. Glenn Beck, (born February 10, 1964, Mount Vernon, Washington, U.S.), American conservative political commentator and television and radio personality, perhaps best known for hosting the talk show Glenn Beck (2009-11) on the Fox News Channel (FNC). They found that this teacher, on the day when the school asked pupils and teachers to wear blue in support of two police officers who were shot and killed, the teacher instead wore a Black Lives Matter T-shirt.Gee, let's trace it back again. I want somebody that nobody even cares to meet. The progressive chattering class spent their days forcing the American public to pretend that men could become women, at cultural gunpoint. King. Yeah. But Amazon, its original investor. It's going to allow pensions and social support to be paid to the Ukrainian people, so they have something in their pocket. Did you ask for this?Because I didn't. That's not the objective. When was the last time Christopher Ray just got up on the stand and just vomited information?Well, he did yesterday. Well, I mean, they're solving more crimes, but homicides increased by 30 percent.So they're not, they're overwhelmed. You do not feel this in your system. And white supremacists.Shut up. And he's like, what do I do? You racist!How dare you. Why is that?BLM. More is always better. That's what they used to say. Weird Al has been doing a concert tour over the past few years. We are so with you. You care about skin color, you have become the racist.So now, they're -- imagine where this is going.Now if you're pro-life, the college of OB-GYN doesn't want you.What will that lead to, when there's no one in that crew saying, wait a minute, can we -- can we step on the brakes here for a second?The FBI, medicine. Play the accordion! Okay?So now that's three.North Korea, as this threat grows, the allies are of America. They revealed that Rosenquist had not only gone beyond the curriculum, teaching children about transgender. Glenn Beck's quick wit, candid opinions and engaging personality have made this one of the most popular radio programs in America. Only Russia and China.Explain that. I don't actually want to meet the people that I like.GLENN: That you like.STU: I find it to -- I mean, I've met you. If I'm not mistaken, I don't have it in front of me. Now, think. 149,637 talking about this. War continues to loom, especially now with the worlds most sinister nations Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, and others working toward strengthened nuclear programs with the West as target #1. America is being destroyed from within. And they're now starting to build their own nuclear arsenals.South Koreans are in strong support of building an independent nuclear force. However, there's something that you need to know, that tells you everything.I'll give it to you in 60 seconds. And they can't be used.But it is the largest depository of old Soviet bombs, et cetera, et cetera.There is a Twitter account.And I -- I am not claiming this to be true. Literally, what is she?This is from the kids. If you cannot find a specific segment, check back later. (music)So how are you sleeping? Because there is a -- there is somebody that commented on this. Responsible countries need to take action against criminals who conduct ransomeware activities in their territory.Okay. How dare you say that the border is a mess. And so the UK, quote, has to be prepared for a nuclear war.No, they don't.No, they don't. With freedom of speech.Let me give you -- let me give you some examples. In fact, gave him a list of critical infrastructure targets that must never be attacked.Of those 16 critical infrastructure sectors, there is public health, emergency services, and energy.Quote, I gave him a list. We just started one, a couple of months ago, called off the record. GLENN: I think that's a great story.STU: What kind of masks were there, do we know?GLENN: On the evening of February 21st, the number 12 ranked mid-Vermont Christian school Eagles of White River Junction.

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glenn beck today show transcript